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What started at the beginning of the 1990ies has now seen a successful relaunch: my passion for modeling

I wanted to become a model since my childhood days. My, mother had a passion for sewing and it was with her, that I was first on a runway at a very young age, when she took part in a sewing competition.

But even more important was my grandfather, who showed me his love for me being in front of his camera. He was the one who ignited the spark. He was the one to teach me the first posing lessons. He was the one who saw my beauty and thus let me feel beautiful when in reality I was a quite ugly teenager.

It was only later that I became conscious of the fact, that what makes a person beautiful is his or her own feeling of being beautiful and loved. This feeling expresses itself as a radiance we call „charisma“ – a radiance that has its‘ source in the depth of ones soul and expresses itself with a certain kind of poise and positivity.

Beauty – and charisma, attraction and everything that comes with it – is not a constant but a variable that changes with ones inner state. That insight and the insight that we can consciously change that inner state by our outer (physical) state were fundamental for my later career as a trainer and coach for Personal Branding and Charisma Development.

Not conscious of the fact that I was not that beautiful, I started to apply for modeling jobs already at the age of 16 or 17. And I got accepted!

Chance wanted it that, in the first year of my studies in Vienna, my flatmate, who was older than me and had a passion for model competitions, was unable to run in one of those competeitions and asked me to go there on her behalf.

I won.

And it was not a small competition but one of the more important ones. I got a 1-month-contract with an agency in Milan, I went there but didn’t work at all. The only thing I got there was the time to study Italian. That’s why I speak Italian and why I was offered a job – years later – in Italy.

However, in Austria, I started to go to castings and I got work! That was the beginning of a quite successful, though short, modeling career, that earned so much money AND experience that I could afford to travel and start my training business.

My debut as a trainer I gave for models in 1993, in Toronto. It was a life-changing experience that led to the development of the Charisma Concept in 1996 – after a few extensive years as sustainability project coordinator and speaker of Non-Profit Organizations – and the start of my main career as trainer for Successful Self-Positioning, Image Creation and last but not least Charisma Development.

I continued my career as an international trainer and coach until the end of 2021. Thanks to Germany’s Next Topmodel by Heidi Klum, I have now started my modeling career 2.0, while continuing to accept speaking and coaching engagements.

See my Modeling Career 2.0