Of course, I couldn't pass up the invitation to the Germany's Next Topmodel final in Cologne. To make up for the 3 lost walking days in week 8, I had to shift up a gear to take the train from Reims to Paris and then on to Cologne on June 12 in the morning.
Lou-Anne and I had booked into a cheap hotel there, where I had to take my first selfie in a long time with the receptionist as soon as we arrived. I had been traveling incognito for the last few weeks. The people in the country simply had either no interest or no time to watch GNTM and the French didn't watch it anyway.
The day of the finale was packed: a photo shoot from 10:00 to 16:00, then a quick change of clothes and freshening up in the hotel, then to the location. I didn't have the energy to wait for Heidi Klum, but left the party at 1am. The next day, I had to travel back by train, stop off at an agency in Paris and then continue to my final starting point, my last stage: Reims.